Phone: 866-880-7901 | Email:
Singer. Comic. Author. Speaker.
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Get Real Speakers & Events
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Get Real Speakers & Events is different than your normal Christian booking agency or speakers bureau. We're passionate about assisting local churches in reaching new people that otherwise may never come to church.
Each event below has it's own website filled with sample videos, audio and recommendations from other pastors, leaders, and outreach directors. To learn more about a particular event, simply click on it's corresponding "LEARN MORE" button. We look forward to helping you reach new people for Christ!
An evening filled with soul-stirring hymns of the faith, many with new arrangements that make them appealing to all ages, but still preserves the depth of their lyrics mixed with humor suitable for the entire family.
Featuring Dove-Award Winning & Grammy Nominated Singer/Songwriter BABBIE MASON & Best Selling Author/Family Comedian SCOTT DAVIS
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Phone: 866.880.7906
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